
Christabel. O
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

I resumed classes for the second semester. Had my intro class to Surgery at the University Hospital and decided to head to the library to study for a few hours.

I walk into the library and meet a guy.

I say hello as I walk to the hanger to pick up my jacket.

He looks up.

“Did you forget it here?”

I say no. I always leave a spare jacket here in case the light goes out. I can always add a layer of protection from the cold.

He goes, ‘oh’.

I walk a little distance, find my favourite spot and sit down.

He goes, ‘hey’.

I look up.

“What year are you in?”

4th, I respond.

‘You’, I ask.

“6th year”

I say, oh.

Things are quiet for another one to two minutes.

Him: What’s your name?

Me: Christabel. You?

Him: A.

Things are quiet again.

Him: You’re from Nigeria?

I look up with a grin on my face.

Me: How do you know?

He shakes his head excitedly and says, ‘ You know C, she is from Nigeria and I can’t recall where, but I saw y’all one time somewhere close to the supermarket so I just assumed you had to be Nigerian’.

Me : Oh.

Somewhere in the corner of my brain I wanted to be mischievous in a friendly manner. You know, say something in the lines of … ‘so if you meet two Africans you just assume they’d be from the same country?’ But I looked him over and he seemed really innocent so I tucked my mischief right back. Lol.

A moment later I ask, ‘ where are you from?’

‘India’ , he responds.

Things are quiet for a few minutes and I carry on arranging my items on the desk.

He calls out to me again.

Him: Where do you live?

Me: The Hostel

Him: Oh? Are there a lot of students at the moment?

Me: Well, a few of us actually.

Him: Do you stay alone?

Me: For now, yes.

Him: Oh. I have a friend. Can I plead with you to let her move in with you? She’s in room ***.

I blink. Puzzled.

He walks over before I can even catch my breath and pulls out the chair right next to mine.

‘Yes, please’, he continued. ‘She lived with a Nigerian girl last year but she’s alone in the room currently and I think the loneliness gets to her.’

Me: I’m rarely at home. I get up early and I come home in the evening. I’m not sure how I’d be of any help, really.

The very next second.

Him: She has an equally busy schedule but I know the company will be good for her . She’s my very good friend , a very lovely person and I want to see if there’s something I can do to help her.

I pause for what seemed like 2 minutes.

I respond, ‘I’ll consider it. I think I’ll be here tomorrow after class so if I meet you here, perhaps I’ll have an answer for you’.

Still willing to persuade me.

Him: what’s your room number. I can ask her to come see you herself.

I tell him the room number and with a smile he says thank you.

A couple hours later, I pack my things about to head to the other end of the city for another class and I notice he gets up as well. I pull the chair back in and walk out the door.

Who do I meet outside? You’re right.

“Please don’t forget. I’ll ask her to come see you today. What’s your room number again?”

‘Room ***’, I respond.

“Thank you. Good bye”.

This is February.



Christabel. O

All the beauty our eyes can see. Medic. I write sometimes. I do that metro-musing thingy a lot.